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This Act amends the Waste Management Act, 1996 in relation to waste management plans and to establish a fund which shall be known as the 'Environment Fund'. The Fund shall be managed and controlled by the Minister. Moneys of the Fund shall be used to support waste prevention and reduction schemes and programs and other activities set out in section 12 of the present Act which inserts a new section 74 in the principal Act.
This Act amends the Waste Management Act, 1996 in relation to waste management plans and to establish a fund which shall be known as the 'Environment Fund'. The Fund shall be managed and controlled by the Minister. Moneys of the Fund shall be used to support waste prevention and reduction schemes and programs and other activities set out in section 12 of the present Act which inserts a new section 74 in the principal Act.
Waste Management (Amendment) Act, 2001 (No. 36 of 2001).
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Plastic waste