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The present Ordinance implements the Water Rights Act 1959. In particular, the Ordinance limits the waste water emission from production of plant protection products and pesticides. The maximum residue amounts are laid down in Annex A. In particular, article 4 deals with self-monitoring of sampling and analysis of water discharge as well as monitoring by official bodies. The Ordinance consists of 5 articles and 2 Annexes.
The present Ordinance implements the Water Rights Act 1959. In particular, the Ordinance limits the waste water emission from production of plant protection products and pesticides. The maximum residue amounts are laid down in Annex A. In particular, article 4 deals with self-monitoring of sampling and analysis of water discharge as well as monitoring by official bodies. The Ordinance consists of 5 articles and 2 Annexes.
Waste Water Emission Plant Protection Products Ordinance.
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