This Code establishes the basic legal framework for the elaboration of special laws and regulations on the ownership, use, management and protecion of water resources. The objectives of the Code are to (a) Ensure rational water use for economic development purposes; (b) Protect water from "pollution, obstruction [from waste] and loss"; (c) Prevent and eliminate harmful water use; (d) "Improve the state of water objectives and their protection for present and future generations"; (e) Defend the rights of legal entities and individuals; (f) Consolidate legal aspects related to water use.
The Code is divided into five sections: General provisions (I); Water use (consumption for drinking, domestic and other needs, for curative purposes, for agricultural purposes, for industrial and hydro-energy purposes, for water and air transport, for fisheries, for hunting and reserves, for sewage disposal, for fire fighting and other State and social requirements) (II); Water protection and prevention of detrimental effects (III); State monitoring of water use (IV); Offences (V).
Article 1 establishes State ownership of water resources (State Water Fund) which are only available for use. Chapter 9 defines the rights and responsibilities of water users.
The Code is divided into five sections: General provisions (I); Water use (consumption for drinking, domestic and other needs, for curative purposes, for agricultural purposes, for industrial and hydro-energy purposes, for water and air transport, for fisheries, for hunting and reserves, for sewage disposal, for fire fighting and other State and social requirements) (II); Water protection and prevention of detrimental effects (III); State monitoring of water use (IV); Offences (V).
Article 1 establishes State ownership of water resources (State Water Fund) which are only available for use. Chapter 9 defines the rights and responsibilities of water users.
This Code establishes the basic legal framework for the elaboration of special laws and regulations on the ownership, use, management and protecion of water resources. The objectives of the Code are to (a) Ensure rational water use for economic development purposes; (b) Protect water from "pollution, obstruction [from waste] and loss"; (c) Prevent and eliminate harmful water use; (d) "Improve the state of water objectives and their protection for present and future generations"; (e) Defend the r
An attached Resolution (number and date illegible) implementing the Water Code, fixes a series of deadlines for Government legislative action in connection with the implementation of this Code. It also repeals the previous Water Law of the Moldova SSR (date illegible).
Water Code.
Republic of Moldova
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