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The present Ordinance is made under the Bavarian Water Law of 25 February 2010 , the Federal Surface Water Ordinance of 20 July 2011 and the Groundwater Ordinance of 9 November 2010. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the correct and efficient enforcement of the afore-mentioned Bavarian Water Law and the Federal Ordinances by nominating the responsible authorities. The text consist of 2 articles.
The present Ordinance is made under the Bavarian Water Law of 25 February 2010 , the Federal Surface Water Ordinance of 20 July 2011 and the Groundwater Ordinance of 9 November 2010. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the correct and efficient enforcement of the afore-mentioned Bavarian Water Law and the Federal Ordinances by nominating the responsible authorities. The text consist of 2 articles.
Water Competence Ordinance.
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