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The present Ordinance implements the Saxon Water Law of 23 February 1993 and the Federal Water Resources Act of 31 July 2009. In particular, the Ordinance applies to the following facilities: water supply; waste water disposal and sludge treatment if connected to waste water disposal; general water work constructions, dams and storage construction. The text consists of 8 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); Construction requirements (2); Structural engineering review of plans (3); Entry into force (4).
The present Ordinance implements the Saxon Water Law of 23 February 1993 and the Federal Water Resources Act of 31 July 2009. In particular, the Ordinance applies to the following facilities: water supply; waste water disposal and sludge treatment if connected to waste water disposal; general water work constructions, dams and storage construction. The text consists of 8 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); Construction requirements (2); Structural engineering review
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 13 July 2014.
Water Management Inspection Ordinance.
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