This Act may be cited as the Pollution Control of Water (Amendment) Act 2013 and shall be read together with the Control of Water Pollution Laws of 2002 to 2009 (hereinafter referred to as basic law) and will be referred together as the Pollution Control of Water laws 2002-2013. It consists of minor changes regarding the following aspects: replacing the definition of the term "waste" with new definitions specified in the text; deleting the term "best available techniques" and its definition; replacing the definition of the term "establishment" with the following new definition: "any stationary or mobile technical unit, including plants extractive waste, industrial activities and all other directly associated activities technically associated with the activities carried out and which may to affect the environmental pollution; adding new terms and their definitions; technology, technical specifications; equipment or construction, quality standards of any materials, techniques and parameters to be applied by certain categories of installations for purposes of preventing waters and soil pollution; methods and procedures for the collection, transport, storage, processing and final disposal of waste resulting from industrial operation, including authorized disposal sites, etc.
This Act may be cited as the Pollution Control of Water (Amendment) Act 2013 and shall be read together with the Control of Water Pollution Laws of 2002 to 2009 (hereinafter referred to as basic law) and will be referred together as the Pollution Control of Water laws 2002-2013. It consists of minor changes regarding the following aspects: replacing the definition of the term "waste" with new definitions specified in the text; deleting the term "best available techniques" and its definition; rep
Water Pollution Control (Amendment) Law 2013 (Law No. 181(I)/2013).
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