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This Act provides rules relative to the supply of water in Vanuatu by suppliers that obtain a concession in accordance with this Act and the Public Works Department.
The charges in respect of water supplied to a consumer's premises shall be prescribed by Order made by the Minister.
The Minister, with the approval of the Council of Ministers, may enter into an agreement or contract with any legal entity granting that entity the sole concession for the provision, development, management and maintenance of water supply to the public within the area of concession. The Act defines powers and duties of the Concessionaire.
The Act also defines offences in relation with unlawful abstraction of water, waste of water or diversion of any water.
This Act provides rules relative to the supply of water in Vanuatu by suppliers that obtain a concession in accordance with this Act and the Public Works Department.
Consolidated edition of 2006 of Act No. 1 of 1955 as amended last by Act No. 28 of 1993.
Water Supply Act (Cap. 24).
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