The present Ordinance implements the Wine Act of 18 January 2011 (BGBl. I p. 66) and the Wine Ordinance in its version of 21 April 2009 (BGBl. I p. 827). In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the correct and efficient implementation of the federal legislation on wine in the Free State of Saxony. Article 1 specifies the competent authorities responsible for the correct and efficient implementation of wine provisions in Saxony. The text consists of 24 articles as follows: Competences (1); Cultivation areas (2); Support programme (3); Re-cultivation (4); Cultivation of production potential (5); List of vine varieties (6); Per hectar production, surplus quantity (7); Quality wine (8); Registration number (9); vins de pays (10); Vintage wines and varietal wine (11); Vine varieties for classic and selection (12); Geographical indications (13); Book-keeping (14); Transport documents (15); Notification of harvest, production and stand (16); Notification of oenological procedure (17); Levying of fees for the German Wine Fund (18); Vine pest control (19); Establishment and operating the Vineyard Registry (20); Expert commission (21); Awards (22); Penalties (23) Entry into force and repeal (24).
The present Ordinance implements the Wine Act of 18 January 2011 (BGBl. I p. 66) and the Wine Ordinance in its version of 21 April 2009 (BGBl. I p. 827). In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the correct and efficient implementation of the federal legislation on wine in the Free State of Saxony. Article 1 specifies the competent authorities responsible for the correct and efficient implementation of wine provisions in Saxony. The text consists of 24 articles as follows: C
The present Ordinance is consolidated as of 1 May 2014.
Wine Legislation Implementation Ordinance.
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