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Regional treaties

24 regional treaties and protocols
Chemicals and Waste
Biological diversity
Marine and Freshwater
Land and Agriculture
Asia and the Pacific
Glossary term(s):
Conservation of species, National focal points, Protected areas, Protection of habitat
Chemicals and Waste
Climate and Atmosphere
Land and Agriculture
Asia and the Pacific
Glossary term(s):
Air pollution, Deforestation, Long-range air pollution, Pollution
Biological diversity
Land and Agriculture
Glossary term(s):
conservation, Conservation of species, Mountain ecosystems, Protection of habitat, Sustainable development
Biological diversity
Land and Agriculture
Glossary term(s):
Agrobiodiversity, Biosafety, Biotechnology, Genetic resources, Genetically modified organisms, Health, Imports, Information exchange, Living modified organisms, Prior informed consent, Wildlife trafficking
Chemicals and Waste
Climate and Atmosphere
Biological diversity
Marine and Freshwater
Land and Agriculture
Glossary term(s):
Capacity building, Disasters, Economy, Hazardous substances, Industry, International cooperation, Mineral resources, Mining, Notifications, Prevention, Transboundary effects

Global treaties

8 global treaties and protocols
Biological diversity
Land and Agriculture
Glossary term(s):
Agrobiodiversity, Biosafety, Biotechnology, Genetic resources, Genetically modified organisms, Health, Imports, Information exchange, Living modified organisms, Prior informed consent, Wildlife trafficking
IPPC logo
Biological diversity
Land and Agriculture
Glossary term(s):
Diseases, Plant protection
Treaty Logo
Biological diversity
Land and Agriculture
Glossary term(s):
Access and benefit sharing, Food, Food security, Genetic resources, Genetic resources for food and agriculture, Multilateral system, Mutually agreed terms, Plant genetic resources, Plant production
Biological diversity
Land and Agriculture
Glossary term(s):
Access and benefit sharing, Access to genetic resources, Benefit sharing, Funds, Indigenous peoples, Information exchange, Sustainable use
Biological diversity
Land and Agriculture
Glossary term(s):
Biosafety, Liability, Living modified organisms, National focal points

Documents and files

Contacts Hub