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The Conference of the Parties
1.Welcomes the work undertaken by the expert working group on environmentally sound management, and takes note of the report on the activities undertaken by the group;11UNEP/CHW.14/5, annex.
2.Adopts the practical manuals on extended producer responsibility and financing systems for environmentally sound management,2 the guidance to assist Parties in developing efficient strategies for achieving the recycling and recovery of hazardous and other wastes3 and the guidance on how to address environmentally sound management in the informal sector;42UNEP/CHW.14/5/Add.1.3UNEP/CHW.14/INF/7.4UNEP/CHW.14/INF/8.
3.Requests the Secretariat to integrate the practical manuals mentioned in paragraph 2 of the present decision into the toolkit on environmentally sound management;
4.Welcomes the revised draft practical manual for stakeholders to ensure that notifications of transboundary movements meet environmentally sound management requirements;55UNEP/CHW.14/INF/6.
5.Encourages Parties and others to disseminate and use the toolkit for environmentally sound management;
6.Invites Parties and others to provide the Secretariat with information on activities undertaken to ensure the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes, including experience and case studies on extended producer responsibility and financing systems, strategies for the recycling and recovery of hazardous and other wastes, and on addressing environmentally sound management in the informal sector, and requests the Secretariat to make such information available on the website of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal;
7.Requests the Secretariat, subject to the availability of resources, to undertake activities to promote and disseminate the toolkit in the context of activities undertaken in its work programme for the biennium 2020–2021;
8.Invites Parties and others to submit comments on the revised draft practical manual referred to in paragraph 4 of the present decision to the Secretariat by 30 June 2019;
9.Requests the Secretariat to prepare a further revised version of the draft practical manual referred to in paragraph 4 of the present decision, taking into account the comments from Parties and others received pursuant to paragraph 8 of the decision, and to submit it for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group at its twelfth meeting and the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth meeting;
10.Decides that the expert working group on environmentally sound management has successfully completed its mandate and is hereby disbanded;
11.Requests the Secretariat, subject to the availability of resources, to complete the work to update the toolkit to reflect information drawn from the pilot projects carried out in accordance with the work programme of the expert working group,6 with the participation of interested Parties and others through electronic means, and to that end, to submit draft revised documents for consideration by the twelfth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group and the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.6Decision BC-13/2, annex I.