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The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling decision OEWG-VII/19,
1.Takes note of the draft outline of the Basel Waste Solutions Circle concept, including the process and criteria for admissions and awards in relation to the Circle;11UNEP/CHW.10/INF/49.
2.Requests the Bureau, together with one representative of the business and industry sector and one representative of the civil society sector, to serve as the Circle’s admissions and awards committee;
3.Invites the business and industry sector and the civil society sector to nominate one representative each to serve on the committee;
4.Requests the committee further to elaborate the Circle’s modalities, taking into account, as appropriate, the draft Circle concept;22Ibid.
5.Requests the Secretariat to report on the implementation of the present decision to the Open-ended Working Group at its eighth session.