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    General Information
    Region    Eastern Asia
    Population (000, 2021)   1 444 216a,b
    Pop. density (per km2, 2021)   153.8a,b
    Capital city    Beijing
    Capital city pop. (000, 2021)   20 035.5d,c
    UN membership date    24-Oct-45
    Surface area (km2)   9 600 000c
    Sex ratio (m per 100 f)   105.2a,b
    National currency    Yuan Renminbi (CNY)
    Exchange rate (per US$)   6.5b,e
    Economic indicators
    2010 2015 2021
    GDP: Gross domestic productb (million current US$)6 087 19211 061 57314 342 934c
    GDP growth rateb (annual %, const. 2015 prices)10.476.1c
    GDP per capitab (current US$)4 447.17 862.710 003.6c
    Economy: Agriculturef (% of Gross Value Added)
    Economy: Industryg (% of Gross Value Added)46.74139.2c
    Economy: Services and other activityf,h (% of GVA)43.750.353.4c
    Employment in agricultureb,i (% of employed)36.728.624.7e
    Employment in industryb,i (% of employed)28.729.228.2e
    Employment in servicesb,i (% employed)34.642.247.1e
    Unemploymentb,i (% of labour force)
    Labour force participation rateb,i (female/male pop. %)64.0 / 78.362.5 / 76.959.8 / 74.8e
    CPI: Consumer Price Index (2010=100)100115112j,e
    Agricultural production indexb (2014-2016=100)89101104c
    International trade: exportsb (million current US$)1 577 7642 273 4682 590 601e
    International trade: importsb (million current US$)1 396 0021 679 5642 055 591e
    International trade: balanceb (million current US$)181 762593 904535 010e
    Balance of payments, current accountb (million US$)237 810293 022273 980e
    Social indicators
    2010 2015 2021
    Population growth rateb,k (average annual %)
    Urban populationb (% of total population)49.255.560.3c
    Urban population growth rateb,k (average annual %)3.52.9...
    Fertility rate, totalb,k (live births per woman)
    Life expectancy at birthb,k (females/males, years)75.7 / 71.977.4 / 73.179.0 / 74.5e
    Population age distributionb (0-14/60+ years old, %)18.7 / 12.218.1 / 15.017.6 / 17.9a
    International migrant stockb,l (000/% of total pop.)849.9 / 0.1978.0 / 0.11 039.7 / 0.1e
    Refugees and others of concern to UNHCRb (000)301.1l301.6304.1e
    Infant mortality rateb,k (per 1 000 live births)
    Health: Current expenditure (% of GDP)
    Health: Physicians (per 1 000 pop.)1.41.82n
    Education: Primary gross enrol. ratio (f/m per 100 pop.)98.0 / 99.896.4 / 96.2102.6 / 101.4c
    Education: Secondary gross enrol. ratio (f/m per 100 pop.)88.0 / 88.3... / ...... / ...
    Education: Upper secondary gross enrol. ratio (f/m per 100 pop.)76.1 / 77.581.1 / 77.480.9 / 78.1c
    Intentional homicide rate (per 100 000 pop.)10.70.5m
    Seats held by women in national parliaments (%)21.323.624.9o
    Environment and infrastructure indicators
    2010 2015 2021
    Individuals using the Internetb (per 100 inhabitants)34.350.3i,p,q,r54.3n
    Research & Development expenditureb (% of GDP)
    Threatened speciesb (number)8591 0401 308
    Forested area (% of land area)21.322.322.9m
    CO2 emission estimatesb (million tons/tons per capita)7 831.0 / 5.99 093.3 / 6.69 809.2 / 6.8m
    Energy production, primaryb (Petajoules)88 642100 808103 893m
    Energy supply per capitab (Gigajoules)748591m
    Tourist/visitor arrivals at national bordersb (000)55 66456 88662 900s,m
    Important sites for terrestrial biodiversity protected (%)8.69.510.1e
    Pop. using safely managed drinking waterb (urban/rural, %)89.2 / ...93.1 / ...95.0 / ...e
    Pop. using safely managed sanitationb (urban/rural %)53.6 / 17.370.7 / 29.585.6 / 43.9e
    Net Official Development Assist. receivedb (% of GNI)0.0100c
Data provided by UNdata