Advantage that contributes to wellbeing from the fulfilment of needs and wants. In the context of natures contributions to people, a benefit is a positive contribution. (There may also be negative contributions, dis-benefits, or costs, from Nature, such as diseases). (Source: IPBES, Assessment Report on Land Degradation and Restoration, 2018).
Broader: Nature’s contributions to people
Narrower: Nature’s non-material benefits
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Multilateral environment agreements tagged with Benefits
You can see below a list of multilateral environment agreements. Use the links on the right to
view the content tagged with
Benefits. This includes official treaty texts, decisions, recommendations, and other related
informational documents such as publications, annuals, meetings, documents or reports.
Convention sur la diversité biologique | 9 decisions | |
Convention de Bâle | 2 decisions | |
Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages menacées d'extinction | 3 decisions | |
Convention sur la conservation des espèces migratrices | 4 decisions | |
Convention de Stockholm | 2 decisions | |
Protocole de Montréal | 3 decisions | |
Protocole de Cartagena | 1 decision | |
Protocole de Nagoya | 4 decisions | |
Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture | 2 decisions | |
La Convention du patrimoine mondial | 9 decisions | |
Convention sur les zones humides | 1 decision | |
Convention des Carpates | 1 decision | |
Assemblée des Nations Unies pour l’environnement | 2 decisions |