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Conventions, Sound management of chemicals and waste, устойчивое развитие, международное сотрудничество
The Conference of the Parties
1.Takes note of the report by the Secretariat on international cooperation and coordination;11UNEP/CHW.12/INF/31-UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.7/INF/20-UNEP/POPS/COP.7/INF/41.
2.Joins with the United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment Programme in emphasizing that the sound management of chemicals and wastes is an essential and cross-cutting element of sustainable development and is of great relevance to the sustainable development agenda;
3.Highlights the contribution of the Basel Convention on the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants to the protection of human health and the environment from hazardous chemicals and wastes through the sound management of chemicals and wastes;
4.Requests the Executive Secretary to inform the co-facilitators for the consultations on the post-2015 development agenda under the United Nations General Assembly about the relevance of the conventions and the contribution that they can make to the implementation of that agenda and to provide input (for example information transmitted to the Secretariat in the national reports under the Basel and Stockholm conventions and scientific data prepared by the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee, the Chemical Review Committee and the Global Monitoring Plan under the Stockholm Convention) to the United Nations Statistical Commission and other relevant forums for the development of indicators relevant to the sound management of chemicals and wastes;
5.Emphasizes the importance of enhancing cooperation and coordination with other international bodies to facilitate the fulfilment of the objectives of the conventions, in particular within the chemicals and wastes cluster;
6.Invites the Environment Management Group to look at how the United Nations system can deliver in meeting the 2020 goal for the sound management of chemicals and wastes;
7.Welcomes United Nations Environment Assembly resolution 1/5 on chemicals and waste and requests the Executive Secretary to cooperate with the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme in fostering the implementation of that resolution and, more generally, on the continued and coordinated strengthening of the sound management of chemicals and wastes in the long term;
8.Joins the United Nations Environment Assembly in emphasizing the need for continued and strengthened multisectoral and multi-stakeholder involvement and requests the Executive Secretary to participate in the fourth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management and to ensure, within available resources, the effective involvement of the Secretariat in the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management;
9.Also joins the United Nations Environment Assembly in recognizing the continued relevance of the sound management of chemicals and wastes beyond 2020 and joins with the International Conference on Chemicals Management and others in stressing the importance of considering long-term policies, building on United Nations Environment Assembly resolution 1/5 and its annex, on strengthening the sound management of chemicals and wastes in the long term;
10.Encourages the organizations of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals to present for consideration by the International Conference on Chemicals Management at its fourth session specific policies and actions planned by each organization, within their own mandates, to meet the 2020 goal;
11.Welcomes cooperation and coordination between the Secretariat and the interim secretariat of the Minamata Convention and requests the Secretariat to continue and enhance such cooperation and coordination in areas of mutual interest with a view to fostering policy coherence, where appropriate, and maximizing the effective and efficient use of resources at all levels;
12.Requests the Secretariat to continue:
(a)To enhance cooperation and coordination within the chemicals and wastes cluster, in particular to facilitate activities at the regional and country levels that would support the implementation of the agreements in the cluster in areas of mutual interest, and to consider which activities of the programmes of work may be effectively implemented in cooperation with other entities within the cluster;
(b)To enhance cooperation and coordination with other international bodies in areas of relevance to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, including in the areas and with the organizations listed in the aforementioned report;
(c)To report on the implementation of the present decision to the Conference of the Parties at its next meeting.