Project number | Project/subproject | Supplementary requirements (EUR) |
| SB101-000 Intergovernmental engagement | 2 764 116 |
SB101-003 | Consultancies to conduct the independent review of the CTCN and periodic assessment of the Technology Mechanism | 197 750 |
SB101-004 | Additional support to the development of the enhanced transparency framework | 1 594 385 |
SB101-005 | Enhanced coordination and operational support to Presidency teams | 662 948 |
SB101-007 | Enhanced legal support to presiding officers | 309 032 |
| SB102:000 Intergovernmental processes | 10 436 766 |
SB102-001 | Enhanced support to established work programmes on research and systematic observation, the technical examination process on adaptation, the NWP and NAPs | 1 664 847 |
SB102-002 | Support to the technical examination process on mitigation | 1 350 079 |
SB102-003 | Enhanced support, engagement and outreach in support of the development of the biennial assessment and overview of financial flows, including in relation to Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement, and determination of needs of developing countries | 1 320 572 |
SB102-004 | Full support to all potential reviews of national reporting, including reporting related to REDD+ | 3 843 460 |
SB102-005 | Enhanced support for the review of the long-term goal and preparations for the global stocktake | 574 741 |
SB102-006 | Enhanced support to ACE and the summary for policymakers on the technical examination processes on mitigation and adaptation | 1 683 067 |
| SB200-000 Constituted bodies | 20 377 803 |
SB200-001 | Support for the full extent of activities envisaged in the workplans of the AC, the LEG, the LCIPP FWG and the WIM Executive Committee | 4 129 712 |
SB200-002 | Support for the full extent of activities envisaged in the workplans of the KCI and contingency for any institutional arrangements related to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement | 4 114 714 |
SB200-003 | Support for the full extent of activities envisaged in the workplans of the SCF, the TEC and the PCCB | 995 650 |
SB200-004 | Support for the full extent of short-term activities of the CGE, in particular in support of developing countries’ reporting | 10 651 195 |
SB200-007 | Support for the full extent of short-term activities of the compliance committees under the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement | 486 533 |
| SB300-000 Data and information management | 11 798 167 |
SB300-001 | Development and enhancement of adaptation-related data portals, including the adaptation registry, NAPs and the NWP | 634 843 |
SB300-002 | Development and enhancement of mitigation-related data portals and data management systems, including an NDC registry, an information portal on long-term low-emission development strategies and a contingency system for corresponding adjustment under Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement | 3 041 305 |
SB300-003 | Development and enhancement of support and means of implementation data portals, in particular the finance, TT:CLEAR and capacity-building portals | 387 866 |
SB300-004 | Enhancement of existing portals and data management for existing transparency arrangements and initiation of the development of systems for the enhanced transparency framework | 2 476 734 |
SB300-006 | Maintenance and enhancement of NAZCA and internal communications | 1 605 504 |
SB300-009 | Enhancement of the security of the secretariat’s data management systems | 1 492 097 |
SB300-008 | Enhancement of the registration and accreditation system for UNFCCC conferences and events | 1 858 398 |
SB300-007 | Enhancement of the elections portal and database | 301 421 |
| SB400-000 Enhanced engagement | 16 231 311 |
SB400-001 | Enhanced engagement with respect to climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation | 230 520 |
SB400-002 | Regional dialogues and broader engagement and partnerships with respect to NDCs and consideration of the socioeconomic impacts of their development and implementation | 318 145 |
SB400-003 | Enhanced engagement with Parties and other stakeholders to strengthen the capacities of developing countries with respect to the implementation of NDCs and NAPs | 4 232 121 |
SB400-004 | Enhanced engagement with national reporting experts to enhance capacity for participation in the transparency arrangements under the Convention and the Paris Agreement | 2 737 631 |
SB400-006 | Enhanced engagement of all stakeholders in the UNFCCC process and action towards the objective of the Convention, including provision of multilingual communication materials and regional engagement | 569 283 |
SB400-009 | Enhancement of the information and communication technology infrastructure required to support virtual participation and engagement in UNFCCC events and activities | 6 526 518 |
SB400-007 | Enhanced engagement with and support of legislators and policymakers through information exchange and knowledge management with respect to climate change legislation | 805 690 |
SB400-010 | Enhanced engagement by the Executive Secretary and Deputy Executive Secretary in United Nations wide management and coordination activities | 811 403 |
| SB500-000 Oversight and administration | 1 979 365 |
SB500-010 | Consultancies to support organizational oversight and development and enhanced engagement by the Executive Secretary and Deputy Executive Secretary in United Nations wide management and coordination activities | 170 630 |
SB500-012 | Coordination of innovation activities and operational efficiency improvements | 455 797 |
SB500-009 | Upgrading of the secretariat’s information and communication technology infrastructure | 864 009 |
SB500-007 | Institutional legal review and advice with respect to all of the secretariat’s activities and operations | 488 928 |
| Total | 63 542 327 |