Treaty 巴塞尔公约 会议 Fifth session of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention (OEWG-5) Type Decision Status Active Skip to full text Share meeting Related decisions Third meeting of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 3) / United Nations Environment Assembly Provisional agenda, date and venue of the fourth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly First session of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention (OEWG-1) / 巴塞尔公约 Decision VI/31: Sustainable partnership on the environmentally sound management of end of life mobile phones 1st Session of the Meeting of the Parties to AEWA / Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds Date, Venue and Funding of the Second Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds 1st Meeting of the Parties / Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas Establish the Advisory Committee 6th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to AEWA / Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds Adoption of the New Arabic Version of the Agreement Text 2nd Session of the Meeting of the Parties to AEWA / Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds Date, Venue and Funding of the Third Session of the Meeting of the Parties Pagination Page 1 下一页 下一个 关键词 Conventions, Exposure, Nominations, Consultation Files Language AR CH EN FR RU SP Files doc UNEP-CHW-OEWG-5-OEWG-V-13.Arabic.doc pdf UNEP-CHW-OEWG-5-OEWG-V-13.Arabic.pdf Files pdf UNEP-CHW-OEWG-5-OEWG-V-13.Chinese.pdf doc UNEP-CHW-OEWG-5-OEWG-V-13.Chinese.doc Files doc UNEP-CHW-OEWG-5-OEWG-V-13.English.doc pdf UNEP-CHW-OEWG-5-OEWG-V-13.English.pdf Files pdf UNEP-CHW-OEWG-5-OEWG-V-13.French.pdf doc UNEP-CHW-OEWG-5-OEWG-V-13.French.doc Files doc UNEP-CHW-OEWG-5-OEWG-V-13.Russian.doc pdf UNEP-CHW-OEWG-5-OEWG-V-13.Russian.pdf Files pdf UNEP-CHW-OEWG-5-OEWG-V-13.Spanish.pdf doc UNEP-CHW-OEWG-5-OEWG-V-13.Spanish.doc From the same meeting OEWG-V/1巴塞尔公约实施工作战略计划:巴塞尔公约各区域 和协调中心的作用和活动 OEWG-V/1Strategic Plan for the Implementation of the Basel Convention: role and activities of the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres OEWG-V/2巴塞尔公约伙伴关系方案 OEWG-V/3移动电话伙伴关系举措 OEWG-V/4资源调集问题 OEWG-V/5可持续的供资问题 Pagination Page 1 下一页 下一个 浏览所有决定 Other meetings Meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (BC COP-17, RC COP-12, SC COP-12) Meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (BC COP-16, RC COP-11, SC COP-11) Pagination Page 1 下一页 下一个 浏览所有会议