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The Conference of the Parties
1.Invites each Party listed in the register of specific exemptions for short-chain chlorinated paraffins listed in Annex A to the Stockholm Convention to report to the Secretariat, by December 2019, justifying its need for the registration of that exemption;
2.Invites each Party listed in the register of specific exemptions for short-chain chlorinated paraffins listed in Annex A to the Convention, as well as observers, to provide to the Secretariat, by December 2019, information on the following:
(c)Efficacy and efficiency of possible control measures;
(d)Information on the availability, suitability and implementation of alternatives;
(e)Status of control and monitoring capacity;
(f)Any national or regional control actions taken;
3.Invites all Parties to provide to the Secretariat, by December 2019, information on progress made in building the capacity of countries to transfer safely to reliance on alternatives to short-chain chlorinated paraffins;
4.Requests the Secretariat to compile the information provided in accordance with paragraphs 1–3 above and to make it available to the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee by January 2020;
5.Requests the Committee, subject to the availability of resources, to analyse the information referred to in paragraph 4 above and any other pertinent and credible information available and to prepare a report, including any recommendations, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties;
6.Decides, if any request is received from a Party for an extension of an exemption in the register in accordance with paragraph 1 of the review process set out in the annex to decision SC-3/3, to take into account the report and the recommendations referred to in paragraph 5 above when undertaking its review of entries in the register of specific exemptions for short-chain chlorinated paraffins.