Measures and controls which are directed at environmental conservation, the rational and sustainable allocation and utilization of natural resources, the optimization of interrelations between society and the environment, and the improvement of human welfare for present and future generations. (Source: GEMET/UNUN)
Narrower: AlternativesBest available techniquesBest environmental practicesBiosecurityCoastal managementconservationConservation statusDecontaminationEcosystem managementFisheries managementForest managementgestion des déchetsIntegrated managementLand rehabilitationLife-cycle approachOther effective area-based conservation measuresProtected areasRisk managementSound environmental managementTechnical guidelines
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Multilateral environment agreements tagged with Environmental management
You can see below a list of multilateral environment agreements. Use the links on the right to
view the content tagged with
Environmental management. This includes official treaty texts, decisions, recommendations, and other related
informational documents such as publications, annuals, meetings, documents or reports.
巴塞尔公约 | 7 decisions14 documents | |
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora | 3 decisions | |
Convention on Migratory Species | 1 document | |
斯德哥尔摩公约 | 1 decision4 documents | |
Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds | 1 document | |
World Heritage Convention | 265 decisions | |
Kyoto Protocol | 1 decision | |
The Convention on Wetlands | 1 decision | |
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification | 7 decisions | |
Barcelona Convention | 3 decisions | |
Governing Council | 1 decision | |
Bamako Convention | 1 decision | |
Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents | 1 article or paragraph | |
Minamata Convention on Mercury | 1 decision2 documents | |
Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas | 3 decisions | |
Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats | 2 decisions | |
Carpathian Convention | 7 decisions | |
United Nations Environment Assembly | 4 decisions | |
ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution | 1 document |