تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
Official name:
French Republic

    General Information
    Region    Western Europe
    Population (000, 2021)   65 426a
    Pop. density (per km2, 2021)   119.5a
    Capital city    Paris
    Capital city pop. (000, 2021)   10 958.2b
    UN membership date    24-Oct-45
    Surface area (km2)   551 500b
    Sex ratio (m per 100 f)   93.8a
    National currency    Euro (EUR)
    Exchange rate (per US$)   0.8c
    Economic indicators
    2010 2015 2021
    GDP: Gross domestic productd (million current US$)2 642 6102 438 2082 715 518b
    GDP growth rated (annual %, const. 2015 prices)
    GDP per capitad (current US$)40 685.336 611.840 318.8b
    Economy: Agriculturee (% of Gross Value Added)
    Economy: Industryf,g (% of Gross Value Added)19.819.819.3b
    Economy: Services and other activityh (% of GVA)78.478.578.9b
    Employment in agriculture (% of employed),c
    Employment in industry (% of employed)22.320.419.9i,c
    Employment in services (% employed)74.876.977.7i,c
    Unemploymenti (% of labour force)8.910.48.3c
    Labour force participation ratei (female/male pop. %)50.8 / 61.950.8 / 60.650.6 / 59.6c
    CPI: Consumer Price Indexj,k (2010=100)100106111c
    Agricultural production index (2014-2016=100)9810298b
    International trade: exports (million current US$)511 651493 941488 562c
    International trade: imports (million current US$)599 172563 398582 775c
    International trade: balance (million current US$)- 87 520- 69 457- 94 213c
    Balance of payments, current account (million US$)- 22 031- 9 130- 48 911c
    Social indicators
    2010 2015 2021
    Population growth ratel (average annual %)
    Urban population (% of total population)78.479.780.7b
    Urban population growth ratel (average annual %)0.90.8...
    Fertility rate, totall (live births per woman)221.9c
    Life expectancy at birthl (females/males, years)84.3 / 77.585.0 / 78.785.4 / 79.4c
    Population age distribution (0-14/60+ years old, %)18.5 / 23.118.4 / 25.017.5 / 27.2a
    International migrant stock (000/% of total pop.)7 310.0 / 11.67 878.3 / 12.28 524.9 / 13.1c
    Refugees and others of concern to UNHCR (000)250.4m320.1524.9c
    Infant mortality ratel (per 1 000 live births)3.73.53c
    Health: Current expendituren (% of GDP)11.211.511.3o
    Health: Physicians (per 1 000 pop.)
    Education: Government expenditure (% of GDP)......5.5p
    Education: Primary gross enrol. ratioi (f/m per 100 pop.)102.1 / 103.4101.7 / 102.3102.6 / 103.1o
    Education: Secondary gross enrol. ratioi (f/m per 100 pop.)107.0 / 105.9103.9 / 102.9104.4 / 103.9o
    Education: Upper secondary gross enrol. ratioi (f/m per 100 pop.)112.7 / 109.6108.6 / 105.4109.0 / 106.6o
    Intentional homicide rate (per 100 000 pop.)
    Seats held by women in national parliaments (%)18.926.239.5q
    Environment and infrastructure indicators
    2010 2015 2021
    Individuals using the Internet (per 100 inhabitants)77.3r78s83.3b
    Research & Development expenditure (% of GDP)2.2t2.32.2i,o
    Threatened species (number)168236382
    Forested areai (% of land area)3030.731.2o
    CO2 emission estimatesu (million tons/tons per capita)340.1 / 5.2303.9 / 4.6v293.2 / 4.3v,b
    Energy production, primaryu (Petajoules)5 6325 778v5 622v,o
    Energy supply per capitau (Gigajoules)174158v153v,o
    Tourist/visitor arrivals at national bordersw (000)76 64784 45289 322x,o
    Important sites for terrestrial biodiversity protected (%)6367.780.9c
    Pop. using safely managed drinking water (urban/rural, %)98.9 / ...99.4 / ...99.6 / ...c
    Net Official Development Assist. disbursedy (% of GNI)0.50.370.43p
Data provided by UNdata