Title of activity | S10. Clearing-house mechanism for information exchange |
Mandate | Synergies decisions (BC-IX/10, RC-4/11, SC-4/34), section I A, paragraphs 2 and 3, section III B, paragraph 4;Omnibus decisions (BC.Ex-1/1, RC.Ex-1/1, SC.Ex-1/1), section III. |
Objective | 1. To provide one entry point to a wide range of sources of available information relevant to chemicals and wastes management; |
2. To facilitate the sharing of information on the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, including on models of coordination mechanisms and examples of good coordination practices from countries; |
3. To facilitate the transfer of expertise and know-how between stakeholders; |
4. To develop a unique development strategy for the clearing-house mechanism across the three conventions, making better use of available resources; |
5. To keep parties and other stakeholders well informed regarding convention issues, meetings, programmes, etc., in a more integrated and user-friendly environment; |
6. To consolidate the use of available resources. |
Indicators of achievement | 1. Relevance and pertinence of information packages for users; |
2. Number of parties that will contribute and gain access to the information; |
3. Availability of new tools such as social networking mechanisms to facilitate information exchange; |
4. Satisfaction of parties and other stakeholders with the service provided and increased number of website hits; |
5. Number of articles, best practices, project information exchanged between stakeholders; |
6. Greater access to information and expertise available to all stakeholders; |
7. Joint strategy for the development of the clearing-house mechanism; |
8. Integration of the websites of the three conventions. |
Short description of the activity | 1. Development of cross-cutting information packages; |
2. Development of a joint clearing-house mechanism; |
3. Maintenance and continuation of the development of the conventions’ websites. |
Expected outputs | 1. Improved access to all information relevant to parties’ obligations under the three conventions and identification of new opportunities for information sharing and aggregation.Examples of cross-cutting information packages:- Public awareness materials (United Nations Body Burden Forum, Safe Planet campaign, etc.);- Joint legal information;- Search tool for decisions by the conferences of the parties by thematic area;- Joint calendar of meetings;- Map of regional centres and offices for all three conventions;- Map of ratification status for all three conventions;- Chemicals and wastes profiles;- Focal points for all three conventions;- Country profiles, showing the status of implementation for all three conventions and information on best practices, successful projects, etc.;- Any other information package as required; |
2. Integrated and user-friendly collaboration environment available for parties and other users; |
3. More integrated systems across the three conventions that facilitate the implementation of the conventions by parties; |
4. Constantly improving websites that meet the parties’ requirements and provide useful information to other audiences. |
Method of implementation (internal or external) | Internal:- Staff time to design the information packages and coordinate data collection and dissemination;- Hardware, software licences. |
External:- Consultants and partners, e.g., regional centres, pilot projects in countries |
Partner(s) | Governments, the UNEP Chemical Information Exchange Network, the Strategic Approach, Basel and Stockholm convention regional centres.UNEP Division of Environmental Law and Conventions and other multilateral environmental agreements through the existing information and knowledge management initiative. |
Title of activity | S11. Joint information technology services |
Mandate | Synergies decisions (BC-IX/10, RC-4/11, SC-4/34), section IV D, paragraph 10 (b)"to establish through the Executive Secretaries of the three Conventions, within the secretariats in Geneva and with the aim of improving the level and efficiency of delivery of services, ...(b) A joint information technology service;"Omnibus decisions (BC.Ex-1/1, RC.Ex-1/1, SC.Ex-1/1), section III, paragraph 3 (c):“to establish, through the executive secretaries of the three conventions, taking into account the experiences gained during the interim period, …(c) Joint information technology service.” |
Objective | 1. Improve the level and efficiency of delivery of information technology services; |
2. Facilitate the provision and sharing of information by parties; |
3. Improve the services provided to parties during meetings of the Conference of the Parties and other relevant meetings by using new technologies to facilitate negotiations; |
4. Provide efficient communication mechanisms through e-mail, e-fax and the internet between parties, the secretariat and other convention stakeholders; |
5. Provide technology, services and training to the secretariat staff that will ensure the quality and timeliness of meeting documents, information packages, publications, websites and other knowledge management tools; |
6. Ensure the necessary security in hosting and archiving the institutional memory of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions; |
7. Provide a more integrated and user friendly information technology environment for parties, the Secretariat and other users; |
8. Provide a solid platform for building up the clearing house mechanism and other information systems in a standardized manner, achieving as much savings as possible from the reuse of common components and sharing of staff time and other resources. |
Indicators of achievement | 1. New information technology tools and services are available to facilitate the work of the Secretariat, parties and other relevant convention stakeholders; |
2. Parties and other stakeholders are satisfied with the service; |
3. The quality of meeting documents, information packages, websites, etc., meet contemporary standards; |
4. Greater efficiency and personalization in communication with parties and other stakeholders is achieved; |
5. Joint information technology services are available and functioning on a regular basis; |
6. The clearing-house mechanism, information systems and other projects that depend heavily on technology are running smoothly and not facing any delays due to technological issues. |
Short description of the activity | Provision to the secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions of the basic information technology and services required to run the secretariats, including:- Provision, maintenance and disposal of hardware, including personal computers, network equipment, audio-visual equipment, etc.;- Selection, installation and training of office software packages;- Network administration, including cabling, switches, servers, network printers, etc.;- E-mail and e-fax administration, including user account maintenance;- Internet, including remote access for secretariat staff and external users;- Network security, covering anti-spam, anti-virus, backup, etc.;- Helpdesk and troubleshooting. |
Expected outputs | 1. New information technology tools and services are available to facilitate the work of the Secretariat, parties and other relevant convention stakeholders; |
2. More integrated information technology platform and service across the three conventions to facilitate parties’ implementation of the conventions |
3. Greater efficiency in servicing meetings of the conferences of the parties and other meetings under the three conventions; |
4. Stable platform and services to facilitate building the clearing-house mechanism and other information systems; |
5. Effective and efficient delivery by the secretariats of the outputs envisaged under their programmes of work. |
Method of implementation (internal or external) | Internal:- Staff time, hardware, software licences |
External:- Consultants, subcontracts. |
Partner(s) | |