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The Conference of the Parties
1.Adopts the work programme of the Open-ended Working Group for 2012–2013 set out in the annex to the present decision;
2.Elects the following representatives as members of the Bureau of the Open‑ended Working Group for the biennium 2012–2013:
Co-chairs:Ms. Marcela Bonilla (Colombia) (Technical)Mr. Luay S. Al-Mukhtar (Iraq) (Legal)
Vice-chairs:Mr. James Mulolo (Zambia) (Technical)Mr. Vladimir Lenev (Russian Federation) (Legal)
Rapporteur:Mr. Tuomas Aarnio (Finland)
Annex to decision BC-10/25Work programme of the Open-ended Working Group for 2012–2013
I. Strategic issues
TopicsActivitiesDecisions of the Conference of the PartiesPriority
A. Strategic frameworkProvide guidance to the Secretariat and the Basel Convention regional centres on efforts to support the development and implementation of the strategic framework.BC-10/2High
B. Basel Convention regional and coordinating centresMonitor the strengthening of the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres.BC-10/4High
C. Basel Convention Partnership Programme1.  Provide guidance on the work undertaken by the Secretariat and by the Basel Convention regional centres to implement the Basel Convention Partnership Programme.BC-10/19Medium
2.  Provide guidance on the activities of the Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment.BC-10/20High
D. Basel Waste Solutions CircleProvide guidance to the Secretariat on the further development and implementation of the Basel Waste Solutions Circle.BC-10/26Medium
II. Scientific and technical matters
TopicsActivitiesDecisions of the Conference of the PartiesPriority
A. Follow‑up on Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative (CLI)1. Provide guidance to the technical expert group in the development of a framework for the development of environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes.BC-10/3High
2. Prepare draft guidance to provide national authorities, regional centres and other stakeholders with consistent advice on the interpretation of certain terminology, taking into account the Secretariat’s report and building on existing guidance and examples of good practices as detailed in paragraph 4, section C, of decision BC-10/3.High
3. Provide guidance to the Secretariat in the preparation of a study to identify options for dealing with the problems posed by used and end-of-life goods, which could include take‑back obligations and clarification of the concept of “charitable donations”.(Note: activities 2 and 3 are cross cutting and, as such, also mentioned in section III of the work programme.)High
B. Technical guidelines1. Develop the technical guidelines on transboundary movements of e‑waste, in particular regarding the distinction between waste and non-waste.BC-10/5High
2 (a) Update the general technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and prepare or update specific technical guidelines on ten new POPs.BC-10/9High
2 (b) Establish levels of destruction and irreversible transformation for the chemicals necessary to ensure that when disposed of they do not exhibit the characteristics of POPs.High
2 (c) Determine which disposal methods constitute environmentally sound disposal and establish, as appropriate, concentration levels for the chemicals to define for them low POPs content as referred to in paragraph 1 (d) (ii) of Article 6 of the Stockholm Convention.High
2 (d) Consider the amendment of the entries in Annex VIII for polychlorinated dibenzo-furans and polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins (entry A4110), DDT and other relevant POPs to include concentration levels for those chemicals after the development of an appropriate framework for establishing de minimis concentrations.High
C. Classification and hazard characterization of wastes1. Consider and review any applications for changes and any corrections to the list of wastes in Annexes VIII and IX.VIII/15Medium
2. Consider the amendment of entries relating to persistent organic pollutants.BC-10/9Medium
3. Provide guidance on the identification of wastes in the World Customs Organization Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System and related matters.BC-10/10Medium
III.        Legal, governance and enforcement matters
TopicsActivitiesDecisions of the Conference of the PartiesPriority
A. Follow up on the country-led initiative (CLI)1. Prepare draft guidance to provide national authorities, regional centres and other stakeholders with consistent advice on the interpretation of certain terminology, taking into account the Secretariat’s report and building on existing guidance and examples of good practices as detailed in paragraph 4, section C, of decision BC-10/3.BC-10/3High
2. Provide guidance to the Secretariat in the preparation of a study to identify options for dealing with the problems posed by used and end-of-life goods, which could include take‑back obligations and clarification of the concept of “charitable donations”.(Note: activities 1 and 2 are cross cutting and, as such, also mentioned in section II of the work programme.)High
IV. Resource mobilization and sustainable financing
TopicsActivitiesDecisions of the Conference of the PartiesPriority
Resource mobilization and sustainable financingProvide guidance to the Secretariat on enhancing resource mobilization and financial contributions for the implementation of the Basel Convention.VIII/34High
V. International cooperation and coordination
TopicsActivitiesDecisions of the Conference of the PartiesPriority
A. Enhancement of cooperation and coordination between the , and conventionsProvide guidance to the Secretariat, as appropriate, on the implementation of decisions IX/10, BC.Ex-1/1 and BC-10/29.IX/10, BC‑Ex.1/1 and BC-10/29High
B. International cooperation and coordinationProvide guidance, as appropriate, to the Secretariat on means of enhancing cooperation and coordination with international and regional organizations and multilateral environmental agreements in areas of relevance to the Convention.BC-10/15Medium
C. Environmentally sound dismantling of shipsProvide guidance to the Secretariat on the programmes for sustainable ship recycling and on the developments in relation to the Hong Kong Convention, in particular the development of the guidelines in that regard.BC-10/17Medium
D. Cooperation between the Convention and the International Maritime Organization (IMO)1. Consider the revised version of the legal analysis on the application of the Basel Convention to hazardous and other wastes generated on board ships.BC-10/16Medium
2. Provide guidance to the Secretariat on its cooperation activities with IMO and the International Organization for Standardization
E. Basel Convention Partnership ProgrammeProvide guidance to the Secretariat on initiatives to expand Convention involvement in partnerships and related projects and activities.BC-10/19Medium
VI. Financial matters
TopicsActivitiesDecisions of the Conference of the Parties Priority
Programme budget and other financial matters1. Provide guidance on and review the preparation of the programme budget for 2014–2015 and related financial matters.BC-10/27High
2. Consider the reports by the Secretariat on financial and administrative matters.
VII. Decisions of the Conference of the Parties
TopicsActivitiesDecisions of the Conference of the PartiesPriority
Draft decisions of the Conference of the PartiesReview and submit draft decisions for consideration and possible adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting.High