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The objective of this Agreement is to strengthen the free-trade relations between the Parties by improving the access of each to the market in agricultural products of the other. For the purposes of these provisions, agricultural products" means the products listed in Chapters 1 to 24 of the International Convention on the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System. A Joint Committee on Agriculture, who shall be responsible for the administration of this Agreement, is set up by article 6. Eleven annexes are attached. Annexes 3 to 7 lay down detailed provisions as regards trade in cheeses, plants (giving special regard to plant health standards), animal feed, seeds and wine-products. Annex 8 sets out the principle of mutual recognition and protection of names of spirit drinks and aromatized wine-based drinks. Annex 9 applies to organically produced agricultural products and foodstuffs. As regards fruit and vegetables, Annex 10 regulates the recognition of conformity checks for fruit and vegetables subject to marketing standards. Lastly, Annex 11 on animal health and zootechnical measures applicable to trade in live animals and animal products.
This Agreement is concluded for an initial period of seven years. It shall be renewed indefinitely unless the Community or Switzerland notifies the other Party to the contrary before the initial period expires.
Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on trade in agricultural products.
European Union
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