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This Act concerns animal welfare in Sweden. It aims to ensure good animal welfare and promote good animal welfare and respect for animals kept in captivity. It also applies in part to wild animals. The Act also concerns the application of Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules. The Act seeks to be additional to EU legislation in this field. The Government shall decide which EU legislation shall be, wholly or in part, applicable.
Provisions of this Act concern, among other things, the humane treatment of animals, good water, use of hormones, the supply of clean water and good food, experiments to be carried out on animals, special authorization for certain types of animal keeping (for example keeping of furred animals), slaughtering of animals, etc. The Act prescribes sanctions for, among other things, non-observance of EU legislation in the field of transport and killing of animals.
Animal Welfare Act (2018:1192).
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