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The Regulation on the procedure for issuing permits and veterinary certificates for export, import and transit of goods under the control of the State Veterinary Service is applicable to export, import and transit of goods under the supervision of the state veterinary service. Veterinary certificate shall be intended the state veterinary certificate of the country that produced the commodities subject to supervision, which confirms that the animals supplied by the State Veterinary Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan for all types of commodities subject to supervision are from a healthy area in terms of highly dangerous and quarantine diseases, and that the raw materials and products of animal origin have passed veterinary-sanitary expertise, complying with veterinary-sanitary requirements an international document issued in the form specified by veterinarian. Authorization shall be intended permits issued by the authorized body for the export, import and transit of commodities subject to supervision through the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as those issued by border and transport veterinary points (precincts) of the state border and transport veterinary control department for the export and import of commodities subject to supervision. All legal entities and natural persons engaged in the preparation, storage, processing and export-import of commodities subject to supervision, regardless of departmental affiliation and organizational-legal forms, are under the control of the state veterinary service. Regulation on issuing certificate of registration of domestic and imported veterinary drugs and nutritional supplements specifies the procedure for registering local and imported veterinary drugs and feed additives and issuing a registration certificate thereto. The registration certificate does not impose an obligation to purchase veterinary drugs and feed additives and is not considered a quality certificate. The authorized body maintains a register of issued registration certificates and posts it on its official website. Annexes contain the forms of veterinary certificates.
Decree No. 148 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating normative legal acts for issuing some permits in the field of state veterinary control.
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