This Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers validates the Regulation on the Inspectorate for regulation of alcohol and tobacco market under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the Annex 1, the Regulation on extra-budgetary fund under the Inspectorate for regulation of alcohol and tobacco market in accordance with the Annex 2 and the Regulation on the procedure for distribution of alimentary ethyl alcohol among manufacturers of liquors and other commodities in accordance with the Annex 3. Regulation on the Inspectorate for regulation of alcohol and tobacco, determines its status, main tasks, functions, rights, responsibilities, organization and reporting procedures, as well as the functional duties and responsibilities of its managers. The Inspectorate is a state management body implementing unified policy in the sphere of manufacturing and turnover of alimentary and technical ethyl alcohol, alcohol and tobacco products, and is accountable to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in its activities. The main tasks of the Inspectorate shall be as follows: (a) licensing of activities related to the manufacturing of alimentary and technical ethyl alcohol, liquors and tobacco products, as well as wholesale trade in alcoholic beverages; (b) Introduction and development of information systems for monitoring and controlling production and turnover of food and technical ethyl alcohol, alcohol and tobacco products; (c) distribution of ethyl alcohol to organizations for production of liquors and other products in accordance with the established procedure; (d) inspection of compliance with technical and technological standards in the process of manufacturing of alimentary and technical ethyl alcohol, liquors and tobacco products in strict accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents in the field of technical regulation and legislation; (e) control over quality of storage and turnover of alimentary and technical ethyl alcohol, liquors and tobacco products, including quality of raw materials and auxiliary materials used in the process of manufacturing of alimentary and technical ethyl alcohol, liquors and tobacco products; (f) control over compliance with license requirements; (g) monitoring of actual volumes of production and turnover of alimentary and technical ethyl alcohol, liquors and tobacco products, as well as participation in the development of new excise stamps for liquors and tobacco products; (h) interaction with the state tax authorities to ensure timely and complete receipt of taxes and other mandatory payments from manufacturers of alimentary and technical ethyl alcohol, liquors and tobacco products, as well as wholesale trade of alcoholic beverages; and (i) cooperation with the Agency for the Development of Viticulture and Winemaking under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan in terms of determining the quality of liquors produced from grapes, fruits and berries. Extra-budgetary fund under the Inspectorate for regulation of alcohol and tobacco market is set up without formation of a legal entity in order to maintain and strengthen the material and technical base of the Inspectorate for Regulation of Alcohol and Tobacco Market under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to finance the costs associated with the activities of the Inspectorate, as well as material incentives and social protection of employees of the Inspectorate. The Fund's resources are derived from the following sources: (a) 50 percent of the proceeds from the payment of a fine for the illegal production of alcoholic and tobacco products or turnover of ethyl alcohol, as well as alcoholic beverages; (b) receipts from payment of fines for violation of license requirements by manufacturers of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and tobacco products, as well as wholesale alcoholic beverages trade organizations; (c) fees paid for issuance of licenses for manufacturing of ethyl alcohol, liquors and tobacco products, performance of wholesale trade in alcoholic beverages; (d) receipts from the Vineyard and Winemaker Support Fund of the Agency for the Development of Viticulture and Winemaking under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the amount of 10 percent of the amount of deductions from the wholesale trade in alcoholic beverages; (e) credits (loans) and grants from international financial institutions and foreign governmental organizations; (f) income from placement of temporarily free resources of the Fund on deposits of commercial banks; and (g) other sources not prohibited by law. Regulation on the procedure for distribution of alimentary ethyl alcohol among manufacturers of liquors and other commodities determines the procedure for distribution of alimentary ethyl alcohol between manufacturers of liquors and other products. Distribution of alimentary ethyl alcohol among manufacturers of liquors and other products shall be performed on a quarterly basis within the approved parameters of production and consumption of alimentary ethyl alcohol in accordance with the scheme 1 contained in the annex to this Regulation. For manufacturers with an annual demand of no more than 500 deciliters alcohol allocation shall be performed once a year. Distribution of alcohol shall be performed on the basis of an application according to the forms contained in the annexes No. 2 and 3 to this Regulation.
Decree No. 474 of the Cabinet of Ministers On measures to ensure effective regulation of alcohol and tobacco market .
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