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This Presidential Decree, in order to further develop viticulture and winemaking, improve the system of trade of liquors and tobacco products, effective monitoring of manufacturing and circulation thereof, reduce government involvement in the economy and increase nation s investment attractiveness, validates the Regulation on the Agency for the Development of Viticulture and Winemaking under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Regulation on the Inspectorate for regulation of alcohol and tobacco. The Agency shall perform the following tasks: (a) implementation of the unified state policy in the sector of viticulture and winemaking, as well as the development and implementation of integrated targeted programs aimed at ensuring dynamic development of viticulture and winemaking; (b) assistance in the expansion of grape plantations, mainly technical varieties, and the development of winemaking, in the implementation of modern resource-saving technologies and comprehensive modernization of wineries; (c) support of winegrowers and winemakers in attracting direct investments for the organization of the production of competitive winemaking products, improvement of the quality of products, increase of export potential through the implementation of deep marketing research on external market conditions, as well as popularization of domestic winemaking products, including abroad; (d) assistance in training of highly qualified specialists in the field of viticulture and winemaking through cooperation with foreign countries and domestic educational institutions, research and development institutes and leading industrial manufacturers; (e) regulation of the activities of producers of grape planting materials, interaction with the Inspectorate in terms of quality assessment of alcoholic beverages from grapes, fruits and berries; and (f) keeping electronic register of grape plantations jointly with the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre. The Inspectorate shall perform the following tasks: (a) licensing of activities related to the production of alimentary and technical ethyl alcohol, liquors and tobacco products, as well as the wholesale trade in alcoholic beverages; (b) implementation and development of information monitoring systems and control of production volumes and circulation of alimentary and technical ethyl alcohol, liquors and tobacco products; (c) introduction and development of monitoring information and control systems related to manufacturing and circulation of alimentary and technical ethyl alcohol; (d) distribution of alimentary ethyl alcohol between winemaking enterprises; (e) inspection of technological premises for manufacturing of alimentary and technical ethyl alcohol for compliance with technical and technological standards; (f) quality control of storage of alimentary and technical alcohol and tobaccos, including raw materials; (g) supervision over compliance with licensing terms and conditions; and (h) cooperation with the Agency for quality control of liquors produced from grape, fruit and berries.
Presidential Decree No. UP-5656 On measures to improve state regulation of production and circulation of alcoholic and tobacco products, as well as the development of viticulture and winemaking.
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