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The purpose of the present Act is to: 1) Protect the health and economic interests of consumers by ensuring the safety of foodstuffs and food contact materials, good food quality and other quality standards in accordance with food regulations, as well as ensuring that information on food and food contact materials is adequate and accurate; and 2) Promote the operating conditions for food business operators. It applies to foodstuffs, animals used for food production, food contact materials, relates businesses, and to food inspection. The Act contains 87 sections divided into the following chapters: 1. General provisions; 2. Requirements for food business operators and contact material operators; 3. Authorities and their responsibilities; 4. Laboratories; 5. Food inspection; 6. Official fees on food exports; 7. National quality systems for food and controlled husbandry conditions; 8. Registration of protected designations production notification; 9. Administrative coercive measures, administrative sanctions and criminal sanctions; 10. Feed; 11. Revision and appeal; 12; Register; 13. Special provisions; 14. Entry into force and transitional provisions.
The Act contains a general obligation on food business operators to ensure that the chemical, physical, microbiological, and health properties of foodstuffs are suitable for human consumption and safe to human health. The food and the food information provided shall not mislead consumers. Operators of contact materials shall ensure that food contact materials are suitable for use on food and that they are safe for human health and do not cause inappropriate changes in food composition or organoleptic properties. Food business operators throughout the food chain shall notify and register with the competent authorities according to this Act. Among other obligations, food business operators shall also take all appropriate measures to prevent the spread of zoonotic infectious agents to humans.
The Act authorises the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to lay down detailed rules for the implementation of this Act. It shall also plan and direct the enforcement of food regulations. The Finnish Food Authority shall plan, direct and develop food inspection and carry out inspections at the national level. For these purposes, it shall prepare a nationwide food inspection plan as part of the multi-year national control plan covering the entire food chain.
Food Act (No. 297/2021).
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