This Regulation defines the main tasks, functions, rights and obligations of the Inspectorate for supervision over agro-industrial complex under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan as well as the procedure for organization of its activities. The Inspectorate is a state body that exercises control over the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Inspectorate in its activity is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of Chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, decisions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Inspectorate system includes: (a) Central Inspection Office; (b) State Unitary Enterprise Center for rendering services in agro-industrial complex under Inspectorate; (c) Karakalpakstan and regional departments of the Inspectorate; and (d) District inspection offices. The Inspection operates independently of the local executive authorities, and subordinate to executive bodies, and directly to the Cabinet of Ministers. The decisions of the Inspectorate within the limits of its authority shall be binding for the state and economic management, local executive authorities, other organizations and their officials, as well as citizens. Inspectorate carries out its activities in cooperation with state and economic management, law enforcement agencies, local authorities, non-governmental non-profit organizations, foreign, international and other organizations. Inspectorate activity is financed by the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Fund for development of control over the agro-industrial complex under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The main tasks of the Inspectorate shall be as follows: (a) compliance with agricultural and water legislation; (b) observance of the state order for seeds, including seeds of cotton and cereals, preparation, processing and storage of seeds; (c) compliance with the requirements for the formation of agricultural and food stocks in the volume in accordance with the planned implementation of the state order; (d) quality control of cotton, cereals and other crops and their seeds, as well as the products of their processing, their rational and targeted use, their quality preservation and reduction of loss; (e) implementation of state policy in the field of genetic purity and seed quality of seeds, implementation of seed certification in accordance with the accreditation field, identification and control of seed and plant material quality; (e) rational use and protection of agricultural land, the unconditional observance of legislative requirements within the duties assigned to the Inspectorate; (g) rational and efficient use water at artificial water bodies and observance of water use rules; (h) observance of livestock breeding legislation and other normative documents at all enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their departmental subordination and forms of ownership; (i) control over the technical condition of agricultural, reclamation and road-building machinery, their operation efficiency, as well as the quality of service and repair services; (j) obligatory state inspection of export, import and domestic transportation of raw cotton, cereals and other agricultural crops and their seeds and products of their processing; and (k) identification of violations and application of measures to eliminate their causes and conditions, and performance of administrative proceedings in the manner prescribed by law.
Governmental Decree No. 575 validating regulatory legal acts regulating the activity of Inspectorate for supervision over agro-industrial complex under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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