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These Regulations are setting the food safety related provisions as regards the importation of food on the territory of Gibraltar, including all actions and procedures to be respected at various stages and in different phases of food import and examination.
Contents of this text are divided into four parts and consists of 16 sections, as follows: Title and Commencement (1); Interpretation (2); Presumption as to food commonly used for human consumption (3); Enforcement (4); Prohibition on importation of unfit food (5); Examination of imported food (6); Special examinations (7); Consent of the Customs Officer (8); Powers of the Customs Officer (9); Interpretation and application of Part III (10); Requirements as to health marks etc for imported meat (11); Requirements as to health certificate (12); Lost, damaged, or defective health marks and certificates (13); Disposal of meat imported contrary to the regulations (14); Powers of a justice of peace (15); Prohibition on the importation of meat required to be exported (16).
Main topics determined in this text are prohibition on importation of unfit food, food analysis and inspection including special examination procedures, several customs sanitary and administrative rules and fees and charges, complete important provisions on meat safety and meat marking or labelling and meat health certificate issues, disposal of unsecure food and related record keeping, and offences and penalties.
Schedules 1-11 are also part of this publication (titles are: Articles of food to which Part III does not apply; Meat products which are exempt from the requirements of Regulation 12; Requirements as to health marks for imported meat; Requirements as to wrapping, packing and transport of imported meat; Meat or poultry meat in respect of which specific recognition is required; Health certificate for fresh meat for consignment to a member state of the EEC; Public Health certificate for fresh meat; Health certificate for meat products; Health certificate for fresh poultry meat intended for consignment to a member state of the EEC; Label to be affixed to large packages of poultry meat intended for a certain destination; Food inspection fees).
Consolidated version (last amended on 27 July 2000).
Imported Food Regulations 1988.
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