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This Law implements for Sweden Directive 2013/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on safety of offshore oil and gas operations. Provisions related to the implementation of the Directive are also contained in the Act (1966: 314) the continental shelf, in the Mining Act (1991:45) and in the Public Access and Secrecy Act (2009:400). The Law requires a company that is registered in Sweden to report, upon request of the regulatory authority, on the circumstances of a serious accident that the company, or its subsidiary, have been involved in during offshore oil or gas operations outside the European Union. The government or the authority that the government designates (the supervisory authority may issue rules on the obligation to report a serious accident. The supervisory authority supervises that this Law and Regulations made under it shall be observed. The supervisory authority may decide on the injunctions required for enforcement.
Law (2015: 280) on reporting of accidents in offshore oil and gas operations outside the European Union.
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