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This Directive establishes minimum requirements for preventing major accidents in offshore oil and gas operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents. It lays down general principles of risk management in offshore oil and gas operations as well as safety and environmental considerations relating to licences. The Directive stipulates that Member States shall ensure that the licensee is financially liable for the prevention and remediation of environmental damage.
This Directive establishes minimum requirements for preventing major accidents in offshore oil and gas operations and limiting the consequences of such accidents. It lays down general principles of risk management in offshore oil and gas operations as well as safety and environmental considerations relating to licences. The Directive stipulates that Member States shall ensure that the licensee is financially liable for the prevention and remediation of environmental damage.
Directive 2013/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC.
European Union
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