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This Law, consisting of 12 articles, establishes the Registry of Farmers and Agricultural Holdings. The Ministry of Rural Development and Food shall establish a Registry for Farmers and Agricultural Holdings (MAAE), which shall include all natural persons and legal entities operating in the country or holding a farm. The purpose of this Registry is to record all agricultural professionals and agricultural holdings, with all the necessary information, for the decision making and the implementation of the Agricultural Policy. Being enrolled in the Registry has the following conditions: He/she is gain from agricultural activity at least 35% of his/her total annual income; b) A professional farmer is also considered to be employed in fisheries (marine, inland waters; He/she is the owner or co-owner or tenant or participates in any way on the holding of a professional fishing vessel other than an overseas fishing vessel or is employed in aquaculture as a holder or lessee of a aquaculture holding at least 30% of his/her total annual working time and receives from the employment at least 35% of the annual income and holds an individual professional fishing license.
Law No. 3874 on the Registry of Farmers and Agricultural Holdings.
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