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This Law is enacted for the purpose of preventing infectious or parasitic diseases of animals, diseases, insect pests and weeds dangerous to plants, and other harmful organisms (hereinafter referred to, for short, as diseases, insect pests and harmful organisms) from spreading into or out of the country, protecting the production of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery as well as human health, and promoting the development of foreign economic relations and trade. The Law consists of 8 Chapters divided into 50 Articles.
Quarantine inspection shall be applied to animals and plants, their products and other quarantine objects, containers and packaging materials used for carrying animals and plants, their products or other quarantine objects, as well as means of transport from animal or plant epidemic areas shall, on entry or exit (art. 2) by the Animal and Plant Quarantine Offices (art. 3). The import of animals, animal products, plant seeds, seedlings and other reproductive materials must go through the quarantine examination and approval procedures (art. 10). Chapters II to VI deal with the following matters: entry, exit and transit quarantine, quarantine inspection on materials carried by passengers or by post and, quarantine inspection of means of transport. Chapter VII provides for punishments and Chapter VIII deals with provisions of miscellaneous nature.
Law of the People's Republic of China on the Quarantine of Imported and Exported Animals and Plants.
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