This Act lays down rules for the establishment, duties and powers of the Mineral Resources Authority; composition and structure of the Mineral Resources Authority Board; duties of the Managing Director and the staff of the Authority; and finance management and the Fund of the Authority. The duties of the Mineral Resources Authority includes to advise the Minister on matters relating to mining and the management, exploitation and development of mineral resources; to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the State s undertakings and obligations under agreements and such other legal, contractual, commercial or social obligations in accordance with government policies on mining and the applicable laws that are necessary for the management of the mining sector; to provide small-scale mining and hydrogeological survey data services, and occupational health and safety community awareness programs; and to collect, analyze, store, archive, disseminate and publish geo-scientific information about mineral and geological resources. This Act is made taking account in particular the National Goals and Directive Principles entitled natural resources and environment.
This Act is certified on 5th of July 2018.
Mineral Resources Authority Act No. 6 of 2018.
Papua New Guinea
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