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The National Plan on Official Controls on Animal Feed is a national instrument, relating to the period from 2018 to 2020, whose main objective is to protect human health through official controls on animal nutrition, so as to guarantee safety of food of animal origin. To achieve this overall objective, the Plan sets out measures aimed at: ensuring controls on safety of feedstuffs; complying with provisions established at the national and the European Union level, specifically those under Legislative Decree No. 223 implementing Directives 2000/77/EC and 2001/46/EC on the organization of the official inspections in the field of animal nutrition.
Priority objectives and targets are set out for the period 2018-2020: 1) creation of the Register of businesses involved in the animal nutrition sector; 2) Official controls on restrictions on the use of transformed animal proteins for animal feeding; Official controls on drugs and additives in feedingstuffs; 4) Official controls on Mycotoxins in animal nutrition; 5) Official control on non-organic contaminants; 6) Official control on prohibited addiitves and active substances in animal nutrition;7) Official control on Dioxins and PCB in animal nutrition; 8) Official control on Salmonella spp. in feedingstuffs; 9) Official control on Genetically Modified Organisms in animal nutrition.
National Plan on Official Controls on Animal Feed (PNAA 2018-2020).
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