This Legislative Decree has been enacted to implement Directives 2000/77/EC and 2001/46/EC relating to the official inspections in the field of animal nutrition. The Legislative Decree establishes the principles governing the organization of such official inspections, without any prejudice to more specific provisions, in particular customs rules and veterinary rules. As a general rule, inspections shall be carried out (a) at regular intervals; (b) where non-compliance is suspected; and (c) using means proportionate to the desired objective and in accordance with the programme referred to in article 17. Inspections shall cover all stages of production and manufacture, the intermediate stages prior to marketing, including importation, and the use of products. The Legislative Decree is divided into five Chapters. Cahpter II regards imports from third countries; Chapter III regards trade within the Community; Chapter IV provides for an information system for hazards from feedingstuffs.
This Legislative Decree has been enacted to implement Directives 2000/77/EC and 2001/46/EC relating to the official inspections in the field of animal nutrition. The Legislative Decree establishes the principles governing the organization of such official inspections, without any prejudice to more specific provisions, in particular customs rules and veterinary rules. As a general rule, inspections shall be carried out (a) at regular intervals; (b) where non-compliance is suspected; and (c) using
Legislative Decree No. 223 implementing Directives 2000/77/EC and 2001/46/EC on the organization of the official inspections in the field of animal nutrition.
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