This Order regulates the import to Denmark and other EU countries when Denmark is the point of entry of foodstuffs subject to special restrictions. According to country of provenience, food undergoes quality checks to avoid the spreading of diseases and infections.
The Order consists of six Sections and 2 Annexes: I. Scope, definitions, and general requirements; II. Foods of animal origin individual restrictions; III. Food of non-animal origin common provisions IV. Food of non-animal origin individual restrictions; V. Foods of non-animal origin subject to a temporary increase in official controls and emergency measures under Regulation (EU) 2019/1793; VI. Penalties and entry into force.
Appendix 1 - List of foods of animal origin in which the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration may request a certificate on radioactivity according to Regulation (EC) No. 733/2008. Annex 2 - List of foods of non-animal origin in which the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration may request a certificate on radioactivity according to Regulation (EC) No. 733/2008.
The Order consists of six Sections and 2 Annexes: I. Scope, definitions, and general requirements; II. Foods of animal origin individual restrictions; III. Food of non-animal origin common provisions IV. Food of non-animal origin individual restrictions; V. Foods of non-animal origin subject to a temporary increase in official controls and emergency measures under Regulation (EU) 2019/1793; VI. Penalties and entry into force.
Appendix 1 - List of foods of animal origin in which the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration may request a certificate on radioactivity according to Regulation (EC) No. 733/2008. Annex 2 - List of foods of non-animal origin in which the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration may request a certificate on radioactivity according to Regulation (EC) No. 733/2008.
Order No. 1349 on imports of food with special restrictions and on penalties for the infringement of various EU acts.
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