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This Presidential Decree, with a view of further development of horticulture and greenhouse economy and introduction of efficient mechanisms of state support of horticulture and greenhouse economy, and also for increasing of production output of high quality, competitive and export-oriented agricultural commodities, sets up the Agency for the development of horticulture and greenhouse economy. The Agency shall perform the following main tasks: (a) development and implementation of comprehensive target programs aimed at ensuring sustainable development of horticulture and greenhouse facilities; (b) taking measures to increase the area of intensive gardens and greenhouses with the use of modern resource-saving technologies, including, including drip and rainwater irrigation, taking into account the analysis of market conditions; (c) large-scale application of advanced scientific developments and intensive agro-technologies in horticulture and greenhouse economy with the consideration of soil and climatic conditions of the regions; (d) assistance to horticultural enterprises and greenhouses in implementation of international certification standards jointly with "Uzstandard" Agency; (e) implementation of measures on development of cooperation system and organization of cluster form, including the whole chain of production, harvesting, sorting, calibration, packaging and trade of fruits; (f) rendering assistance in attraction of investments, including direct foreign investments, with a view of production of competitive commodities, organization of their trade, increase of export potential by performing marketing researches of a conjuncture of the markets; (g) elaboration of recommendations on the placement and cultivation of the most popular varieties of fruits on foreign markets; (h) cooperation with domestic and foreign educational and research institutions, specialized foreign organizations and manufacturers on training, professional development, development and implementation of innovations in the field of horticulture and greenhouse facilities; and (i) keeping, together with the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre, electronic register of the areas of gardens and greenhouses.
Presidential Decree No. PP-4246 On measures for further development of horticulture and greenhouse economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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