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These Rules are setting the necessary procedures and issues as regards the protection of groundwater resources, also in terms of the national Public health Act, including the implementation of the provisions contained in the Council Directive 80/68/EEC of 17 December 1979 on the protection of groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous substances. The application of these Rules shall not permit either by direct or indirect means pollution of groundwater.
These Rules do not apply to: discharges of domestic effluents in isolated dwellings not connected to a sewerage system and situated outside areas protected for the abstraction of water for human consumption; discharges which the competent authority is satisfied on the evidence of persons recognized by the competent authority as qualified for the purpose contain substances in List I or List 2 in a quantity and concentration so small as to obviate any present or future danger of deterioration in the quality of the receiving groundwater; discharge of matter containing radioactive substances.
The text is divided into 14 Rules, as follows: Title; Interpretation and application; Conditions for the issue of authorizations; Ground water management; Application for authorization; Ability to comply with terms and conditions; Duration of authorization etc; Monitoring; Inventory; Provision of information to the Government; Cross-Frontier information and consultation; Indirect Discharges; Unauthorized discharges; Discretion of competent authority; Offences in respect of false or misleading information.
Consolidated version
Public Health (Groundwater) Rules, 1995.
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