This Regulation prescribes the minimum requirements for marking and registration of pigs, without prejudice to the implementation of special regulations adopted for the purpose of preventing the occurrence, control and eradication of swine diseases. This text closely sets out related tasks and identifies responsible persons, procedural and technical terms.
The following results shall be taken into account: monitoring and modeling; in vitro tests; effects on animals; application of the approach with categories (classification into groups, application of data by analogy); data obtained on the basis of biodegradation model; and occupational exposure, accident databases, epidemiological and clinical studies.
In order to implement measures to protect animal and human health from infectious and parasitic diseases and to monitor the traceability of products of animal origin, all pigs in the Republic of Croatia must be labelled in accordance with these provisions. Each movement of pigs has to be properly reported.
This Regulation transposes the provisions of the Council Directive 2008/71/EC of 15 July 2008 on the identification and registration of pigs.
The Annex is also part of this publication (containing the marking ear tag scheme; and related administrative forms and sheets).
The following results shall be taken into account: monitoring and modeling; in vitro tests; effects on animals; application of the approach with categories (classification into groups, application of data by analogy); data obtained on the basis of biodegradation model; and occupational exposure, accident databases, epidemiological and clinical studies.
In order to implement measures to protect animal and human health from infectious and parasitic diseases and to monitor the traceability of products of animal origin, all pigs in the Republic of Croatia must be labelled in accordance with these provisions. Each movement of pigs has to be properly reported.
This Regulation transposes the provisions of the Council Directive 2008/71/EC of 15 July 2008 on the identification and registration of pigs.
The Annex is also part of this publication (containing the marking ear tag scheme; and related administrative forms and sheets).
Regulation on mandatory marking and registration of pigs.
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