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This Law regulates the rules in area of animal health and prevention and control of animal diseases that are transmissible to animals or humans as determined by Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health. This Law establishes the competent bodies and their tasks related to the implementation of provisions made in this Law and in regulations adopted on the basis of the same. The organization and implementation of rules in the area of animal health are of interest to the Republic of Croatia. This Law ensures the implementation of several European Union acts, as fully listed in article 2.
The text is divided into twenty-one main thematic Chapters and a total of 117 articles. Titles of these Chapters are as follows: I. General provisions and rules; II. List and categorization of diseases; III. Knowledge of animal health and responsibility; IV. Early detection, notification and reporting of diseases; V. Supervision; VI. Eradication programmes; VII. Free from disease status; VIII. Disease awareness and preparedness; IX. Measures in case of category A disease; X. Measures in case of category B or C disease; XI. Registration and approval of subjects and facilities for land animals; XII. Marking and traceability of land animals; XIII. Registration and approval of aquaculture subjects and facilities; XIV. Traceability of aquatic animals; XV. Entry into the Union and export; XVI. Non-commercial movement of pets; XVII. Emergency measures; XVIII. Financing and compensation of damage; XIX. Penalty provisions; XX. Administrative and inspection supervision; and XXI. Transitional and final provisions.
This Law regulates the application of rules on the prevention and control of animal diseases that are transmissible to animals and humans, which include: a) determination of priorities and categorization of diseases concerning the Union and the Republic of Croatia and determination of responsibility for animal health (Articles 6 to 11 of this Law); b) early detection, notification and reporting of diseases, surveillance, eradication programs and "disease-free" status (Articles 12 to 25); c) awareness of animal health, preparedness and disease control (Articles 26 to 50); d) registration and approval of facilities and carriers, movement and traceability of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin within the Union (Articles 51 to 85); e) entry of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin into the Union and export of such consignments from the Republic of Croatia (Articles 86 to 94); f) non-commercial movement of pets to a member state from another member state or from a third country or area (Articles 95 to 99); g) emergency measures to be taken in the event of a state of emergency due to illness and other measures applicable at the national level (Articles 100 to 112).
On the day of the introduction of the euro as the official currency in the Republic of Croatia, articles 102, 103, 104 and 105 of this Law shall cease to be valid.
Law on animal health.
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