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This Regulation prescribes the manner and procedure for the identification and registration of sheep and goats, the form and content of the Single Registry of sheep and goats (JROK), a travel certificate for sheep and goats, and other forms, register of sheep and goats on the farm (ROKG), shape, appearance content and means of tagging of sheep and goats, order and obtained funds for the labelling, monitoring the implementation of this Regulation and measures in case of contrary conduction.
This Regulation establishes requirements for the identification and registration of sheep and/or goats, without prejudice to the implementation of specific Regulations governing the control and eradication of disease of sheep and goats.
The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.
This Regulation prescribes the manner and procedure for the identification and registration of sheep and goats, the form and content of the Single Registry of sheep and goats (JROK), a travel certificate for sheep and goats, and other forms, register of sheep and goats on the farm (ROKG), shape, appearance content and means of tagging of sheep and goats, order and obtained funds for the labelling, monitoring the implementation of this Regulation and measures in case of contrary conduction.
Regulation on the Implementation of Mandatory Labelling and Registration of Sheep and Goats.
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