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This Regulation provides for measures and rules necessary for the control and eradication of bluetongue disease in livestock, data collection and analysis standards to be used in order to study and eradicate the disease.
Vaccination against bluetongue disease must be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.
The data collected in the epidemiological investigation must be submitted to the Veterinary Commission.
Epidemiological studies include: a) determining the duration of the period during which the disease bluetongue is present on the farm; b) the possible origin of the disease on the holding and list of other farms that have animals that could be infected from the same source; c) determining the presence and distribution of vectors; d) determining movements of animals, and the identification of carcases removed from the farms.
Veterinary inspection submits the data collected to the European Commission as requested, taking into account: a) geographical location and environmental factors; b) weather conditions; c) the presence and distribution of the vector; d) the results of epidemiological study conducted in accordance with the article 7 of this Regulation; e) the results of laboratory tests; f) the implementation of additional measures ordered, especially disinsection.
The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.
This Regulation provides for measures and rules necessary for the control and eradication of bluetongue disease in livestock, data collection and analysis standards to be used in order to study and eradicate the disease.
Regulation on Measures for the control and Eradication of Bluetongue Disease.
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