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This Regulation lays down animal health requirements for live ungulates imported and transited through the territory of the Croatian Republic.
Import and transit of live ungulates shall be allowed only from third countries which are on the list drawn up in accordance with the procedure of the European Commission.
Imports of live ungulates shall only be permitted if approved third country will provide the following guarantees: a) the animals must come from areas free of diseases; b) the animals must comply with the specific animal health conditions; c) before the date of loading for shipment to the Republic of Croatia, the animals must remain in approved third countries for a period specified by special conditions of animal health; d) prior to shipment to the Republic of Croatia, the animals must review the official veterinarian to determine that they are healthy and that the conditions of transportation are in accordance with the Regulation on the protection of animals during transport and related operations (Official Gazette 7/07), particulary regarding watering and feeding; e) animals must be accompanied by certification that complies with article 9 this Regulation and the form of veterinary certificates drawn up in accordance with the procedure of the health commission, that also allows the use of electronic documents in the same procedure; f) upon the arrival in the Republic of Croatia, the animals must be inspected at the appropriate border inspection post in accordance with article 4 of the Regulation on the organization of veterinary checks on live animals moving across the Croatian border (Official Gazette 154/08).
The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.
This Regulation lays down animal health requirements for live ungulates imported and transited through the territory of the Croatian Republic.
Regulation on Veterinary Requirements for Import and Transit of Certain Live Ungulates.
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