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This Regulation prescribes the manner for keeping live animals used in experiments or kept for experimental purposes. This text also determines other related rules and technical conditions as regards the facilities for holding of such animals, manner for the performance of certain activities, marking of animals used for experiments, keeping the necessary evidence.
This Regulation applies to: animals that are used or intended to be used in experiments or are grown with the intention of using their organs or tissues for scientific purposes; experimental animals which have not been killed, reintroduced or returned in a suitable habitat, and other, see article 2.
Article 3 sets the exceptions.
This text further transposes the rules contained in the Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.
The Annex (parts 1-6) is also an integrated part of this publication (full guidelines and technical indications).
Regulation on the manner for keeping animals used in experiments.
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