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This Regulation sets out the official control rules related to food sampling procedures and methods for analysis, aimed to determine the content of aflatoxins and ochratoxin (A) in foods.
This Regulation further determines the procedure for sampling. However, all rules relevant to ochratoxin (A) are been repealed in amending Regulations, see article 3 of the consolidated provision son the end of the text.
Sampling procedures must comply with the requirements listed in Annex 1, meanwhile all analytical methods must comply with the requirements stipulated in Annex 2, both part of this publication. Commission Directive 2002/27/EC of 13 March 2002 amending Directive 98/53/EC laying down methods of sampling and analysis for the official control of the compliance with the maximum levels of certain contaminants in foodstuffs is indicated as reference document.
Consolidated version (last amending text included in this consolidated version derives from the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia 95/2004).
Regulation on sampling procedures and methods of analysis for the determination of aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in foods.
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