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This Law lays down conditions that must be fulfilled by foodstuffs, food additives, and in general by all products and substances that are meant and that shall come into contact with foodstuffs for human consumption, and further determines the health control measures to be implemented for their production, processing, handling and marketing, including HACCP issues (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) and GMO related terms.
The text is divided into 11 Chapters and a total of 42 articles. Titles of Chapters are as follows: (I) General provisions; (II) Conditions to assure the health conditions of food; (III) Conditions for assurance of health conditions of products and substances subject to food contact; (IV) Advertising; (V) Control of food and products and substances subject to food contact; (VI) Official health supervision for imports of foods and related articles; (VII) Rights and duties of inspectors; (VIII) Inter-sectoral cooperation; (IX) Monitoring over the health conditions of foods and articles and substances subject to enter in contact with foodstuff; (X) Penalty provisions; (XI) Transitional and final provisions.
Foods are considered to be healthy or safe if: they do not contain micro-organisms or parasites or their developmental forms or excretions which may adversely affect human health; residues of pesticides and veterinary medicinal products which, on the basis of good agricultural and veterinary practice, do not exceed the maximum permitted concentration; they do not contain toxic metals, non-metals, other chemical pollutants from the environment, and toxic and other substances in concentrations that may have adverse effects on human health; they do not contain additives which are not authorized for the manufacture of foodstuffs or do not satisfy the conditions of purity, or if their quantity does not exceed that permitted; residues of processing aids or other substances used in the production of foodstuffs do not exceed the maximum permitted concentration or do not adversely affect human health; they do not contain radionuclides above the tolerance limit or are not exceeded by the regulatory limits or below the efficiency limits; they are not mechanically contaminated with impurities which may be harmful to human health, cause resistance in consumers or pose a direct health risk; their composition, which may affect the biological and energy value of the food, is in accordance with the prescribed conditions; their composition or organoleptic characteristics (taste, odor, appearance) is not altered by reason of their physical, chemical, microbiological or other processes so that they are intentionally useless; their shelf life is legible and is not expired; foodstuffs of animal origin are marked with a health mark.
These rules are prescribed in order to protect human health, to protect the interests in domestic and international trade and related issues; to implement the monitoring over the effective health status of food and related products (food contact substances). Also interdepartmental and international cooperation in the field of nutrition and nutrition health is covered by this text. Novel foods are foods and food ingredients that have not yet been used extensively for human consumption and are classified in the following groups: foods and food ingredients containing or consisting of genetically modified organisms within the meaning of the law governing the management of genetically modified organisms; foods and food ingredients derived from genetically modified organisms but not containing GMOs; food and food ingredients with a new or intentionally altered primary molecular structure; foodstuffs and constituents of foodstuffs made up or obtained from micro-organisms, fungi or algae; foods and food ingredients made up or obtained from plants, and food ingredients derived from animals other than foods and food ingredients obtained by traditional propagation or cultivation already considered to be safe foods; foods and food ingredients obtained by a manufacturing process that causes significant changes in the composition or structure of the food and food ingredients, affecting their nutritional value, metabolism or level of undesirable substances and has not been used so far.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall establish a Food Office within six months of the entry into force of this Law. The Food and Nutrition Office shall commence its work by 1 January 2003 at the latest.
Consolidated version
Law on health and hygiene safety of food, and materials and products intended to come into contact with food.
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