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Strategy for biodiversity conservation in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period of 2019-2028 shall be multisectoral, covering the whole national territory. The Strategy, with a view conservation of biodiversity, pursues the following objectives: (a) expansion of protected areas up to 12 percent of the country's territory; (b) afforestation of the dried seabed of the Aral Sea, bringing the area of forests to 1.2 million hectares; (c) breeding of goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) in the Bukhara specialized nursery "Dzheyran" (goitered gazelle), increasing their number to 1,000 species; (d) creation of a unified system of monitoring of biodiversity components with the central link - the reference ecosystems of state reserves; (e) creation of a unified information database of state monitoring and state registration of biodiversity on the basis of modern geoinformation technologies (GIS-technologies); (f) carrying out an annual geobotanical survey of the vegetation of natural pastures and hayfields in the amount of 2 million hectares; and (g) integration of biodiversity conservation issues into all sectors of the economy. This Strategy for biodiversity conservation in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period of 2019-2028 is aimed at identifying priority areas, goals and objectives, planning, ways to achieve them effectively, as well as stages of implementation of the state policy in the field of formation and development of a sustainable system in the field of biodiversity conservation and use for the long term period.
Current threats to biodiversity are mainly related to economic development without taking into account the sustainable use of biological resources. Livestock production has a significant impact on natural ecosystems. The degradation of pastures in desert, foothill and mountainous areas is accelerating, especially in areas close to rural settlements. Increasing threats include: (a) narrowly focused development and management of agricultural irrigation infrastructure; (b) unstable forms of management and use of natural resources in fisheries; (c) low productivity of irrigated agriculture and unsustainable rainfed agriculture. These factors, combined with the country's rapidly growing population, lead to the intensive use of all resources. The main challenges to biodiversity conservation are as follows: (a) non-compliance of legal acts with international standards regulating the use of biological resources; (b) lack of mechanisms for economic valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services; (c) lack of adequate management of the protected area system and its representative system; (d) insufficient implementation of the state accounting and monitoring of the natural environment, in particular, biodiversity; (e) insufficient funding for biodiversity conservation; (f) insufficient implementation of mechanisms for assessing the impact of economic and other activities on biodiversity in the state environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedure; (g) low level of public awareness and participation in biodiversity conservation; (h) insufficient development of environmental culture of the population.
In order to ensure conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, food security, a favorable living environment and sustainable development of the country, the following strategic objectives have been defined until 2029: (a) inclusion of biodiversity issues in the activities of public authorities and management and society as a whole; (b) reduction of direct impact on biological diversity and sustainable use of its components in productive landscapes; (c) development of the protected areas system, increasing the volume of benefits provided by ecosystem services; and (d) increase of the efficiency of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use through planning, capacity building and development of financing mechanisms.
In order to achieve sustainable development in the long term, it is necessary to include biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in the national development plans of all sectors of the economy with the creation of the necessary organizational and financial resources. In the conditions of further economic development of the country, population growth and demand for natural resources, only adherence to the principles of "green economy" can ensure the ecological safety of the country, long-term productivity of land, preservation of biodiversity and key ecosystem services. Ensuring the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity is associated with the implementation of the following key areas: (a) improvement of the regulatory framework for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; (b) improvement of the state accounting and monitoring of wild flora and fauna; (c) improvement of modern scientific information on the state and significance of biodiversity, which is necessary for further policy development in this area and for making comprehensive decisions; (d) development of the system of protected natural areas; (e) implementation of a set of measures to reduce the rate of degradation and fragmentation of the most vulnerable natural ecological systems; (f) implementation of measures to restore rare and endangered species of animals and plants; (g) strengthen control over illegal use of objects of fauna and flora; (h) development of ecological tourism; and (i) raise awareness and ecological culture of the population with regard to biodiversity.
Livestock breeding, which plays an important role in the economy of the country, has a significant impact on natural ecosystems. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account a significant increase in the number of livestock in private estates, in connection with which pasture ecosystems are under increased pressure, especially from small ruminants. In order to maintain the state register of flora (vegetation), develop measures to prevent the degradation of pastures and desertification processes, it is necessary to conduct periodic geobotanical surveys of vegetation of natural pastures and hayfields.
Strategy for biodiversity conservation in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period of 2019-2028.
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