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This Marine Policy Statement (MPS) is the framework for preparing Marine Plans and taking decisions affecting the marine environment. It will contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in the United Kingdom marine area.
The UK vision for the marine environment is for clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse oceans and seas .
This statement sets out the policy objectives for the key activities that take place in the marine environment, which represent the policy outcomes which the Great Britain governments are seeking to achieve through the sustainable development of the UK marine area in order to deliver the vision.
These objectives include: 1) the integration of conservation objectives as set out into marine planning and incorporation of the requirements for specific designated conservation areas; 2) the participation of the Ministry of Defence in the development of Marine Plans and their contribution to overall safety, security and resilience to ensure the effective use of marine resources whilst identifying mitigation measures for incompatible activity or usage; 3) the contribution, through marine environment, to securing the UK s energy objectives (through oil and gas sectors, renewable energy and from other forms of low carbon energy) while protecting the environment and tackling climate change and energy security; 4) while the operation of ports and marinas, which play an essential part of the UK economy, is enabled through the creation, maintenance and development of channels, berths and docks, this requires dredging and the disposal of the dredged marine sediment. These activities need to be facilitated in line with the objective to prevent, reduce and eliminate pollution caused by dredging operations and the disposal of dredged sediments; 5) The extraction of marine aggregate, dredged sand and gravel, which contribute to energy security and economic development being used for major coastal infrastructure projects (ports, renewable energy and nuclear energy projects), should continue to the extent that this remains consistent with the principles of sustainable development, recognizing that marine aggregates are a finite resource and in line with the relevant guidance and legislation; 6) in relation to marine dredging and disposal, all possible adverse effects for nature conservation areas and potential destruction heritage assets possibly caused by the release of sediments (potential risk to fish and other marine life, chemical pollution and morphological changes, increases in turbidity and marine noise) are taken in consideration by the UK Administrations, which have only licensed the disposal at sea of capital and maintenance dredging; 7) the coordination of cable installations and safe access to them for maintenance purposes must make the object of marine planning processes; 8) fisheries (capture and subsequent handling and processing of catches) in EU waters, important vehicle in achieving food security, must be managed to attain ecological sustainability whilst optimizing the wealth generation of marine fish resources and their long term prospects; 9) Marine Plans should also encourage the development of efficient, competitive, and sustainable aquaculture industries with minimal wider effect and ensured coexistence with other marine activities; 10) Marine Plan authorities should consider the benefits that waste water infrastructure can provide in enabling wider socioeconomic development on land and should maximize opportunities for coexistence with other activities in the marine environment, with a view to contribute to sustainable development including the health and well being of the community and the protection of the environment by developing a policy which provides modern, high quality management and treatment of surface and waste water; 11) Marine Plan authorities must consider the potential benefits of tourism and recreation in the marine environment, economy and local communities always ensuring that local authorities are engaged and consulted before decisions are taken to guarantee the protection of marine fauna and flora, the respect of wildlife, the prevention of pollution from waste water and litter and the avoidance of pressures from increased visitor numbers in environmentally sensitive areas.
The process of marine planning will contribute to the achievement and integration of policy objectives within a framework of economic, social and environmental considerations in order to help ensure the sustainable development of the UK marine area and deliver the UK vision. Marine Plans will provide a clear, spatial and locally relevant expression of policy, implementation and delivery for a marine plan area. These will be consistent with the Marine Policy Statement (MPS). They will ensure that different and potentially competing activities are managed in such a way that they contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. Monitoring of implementation will ensure that activities within a marine plan area contribute to the delivery of the MPS.
UK Marine Policy Statement.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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