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Developing countries
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The Fifth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. V/4:

  1. To note that Cyprus, Kuwait, the Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates are not classified as Parties operating under Article 5 based on their annual per capita consumption of controlled substances, which is more than 0.3 kilograms. The classification will be appropriately revised in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Protocol, on receipt of further data from them, if it warrants reclassification;
  2. To reclassify Malta and Bahrain as Parties operating under Article 5 from the year 1991, based on the data furnished by those Parties showing their annual per capita consumption of controlled substances to be less than 0.3 kilograms;
  3. That the Open-ended Working Group shall analyse the operation of Article 5 with regard to the classification and reclassification of those developing countries to which the Article applies and propose to the Sixth Meeting of the Parties any clarificatory decisions it deems necessary.